Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Technological Inspiration

I recently finished reading Kathy Cassidy's new book,Connected from the Start: Global Learning in the Primary Grades.  Kathy Cassidy does an excellent job of inspiring classroom teachers to incorporate technology into the classroom.  Cassidy's language throughout the text helps teachers relate to the struggles and successes of integrating technology into everyday learning.  She even shares a multitude of up to date ways that she integrates technology into her first grade classroom.  I love her realistic and inspiring message of, "If I Can Do It, So Can You" (10).  

Check out Kathy Cassidy's Classroom Blog to see some of her uses of technology in action!

photo of Ms. Cassidy's Classroom Blog
I also enjoyed looking at her personal webpage, Primary Preoccupation.  Check it out for some great teaching ideas and resources!

photo of Kathy Cassidy's webpage

1 comment:

  1. I also read Kathy Cassidy's book and found it to be enjoyable and informative. I love how she was very honest about her first attempts with integrating technology in the classroom, and that she shared what worked well. Cassidy definitely made blogging, Sype, Twitter and the likes much less intimidating, and now I can really see the merit in using these with students. I would certainly recommend this book to my colleagues or anyone who is thinking about integrating technology in the classroom.
